The First Tax - Rewards Contract on TON chain, offering holders a unique opportunity to earn rewards in TON! Which makes it a pioneer in the field.
CA: EQAhMUf2wBpyr2KQzJuQN39cmwN8w7WC1Mup4-Gy9gUapJgGThe First Tax - Rewards Contract on TON chain, offering holders a unique opportunity to earn rewards in TON!. TonPrinter has a custom jetton contract. With each swap on the exchange, a fee is charged in jettons (tax). The amount of tax set at the time of deployment of the contract cannot be changed in the future. The jettons are then automatically swapped to TON via the contract. All converted TON go to reward wallet. There is a special script that takes a snapshot of all token holders every given period of time. The script then distributes the TON accumulated on the reward wallet to the holders, in proportion to the tokens they hold at the time of the each snaphot.